Wilsons Prom Southern Circuit 54km


Day 1 Telegraph Saddle to Roaring Meg Campground 12km

Embarking on Day 1, you’ll journey from Telegraph Saddle to Roaring Meg Campground, a captivating trek filled with natural wonders. The trail winds through dense woodlands and open vistas, serenaded by the melodies of native birds.

As you ascend, rewarding views unfold, and the path leads you by sparkling streams and sunlit clearings.

Arriving at Roaring Meg Campground, the tranquil Roaring Meg River accompanies your evening, inviting reflection under the starry sky. It’s a day of immersion in nature’s beauty and a glimpse of the adventures yet to come.

Day 2 Roaring Meg Campground To Little Waterloo Campground 17km

On Day 2, your journey continues from Roaring Meg Campground to the picturesque Little Waterloo Campground, covering a distance of 17 kilometers. The trail ahead promises a blend of natural wonders and invigorating exploration.

Leaving behind the tranquil embrace of Roaring Meg Campground, the path leads you through changing landscapes that unfold like a living canvas. As you traverse the terrain, you’ll encounter a symphony of sights and sounds – from towering trees to babbling brooks – each contributing to an immersive experience.

The trail’s rhythm carries you forward, offering intermittent glimpses of distant vistas that beckon with a sense of anticipation. Upon arriving at Little Waterloo Campground, nestled in nature’s embrace, you’ll find solace beside the gentle waters. The evening unveils a canvas of stars overhead



Day 3 Little Waterloo Campground to Sealers Cove Campground 13.6Km

Embark on Day 3’s 13.6-kilometer expedition from Little Waterloo Campground to the inviting shores of Sealers Cove Campground. This leg of your journey promises a mix of coastal charm and natural beauty, creating an experience that lingers in memory.

Leaving behind the tranquility of Little Waterloo Campground, the trail leads you along a path that winds through coastal landscapes. As you walk, the salty breeze whispers tales of the ocean, and the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore sets a soothing rhythm.

The allure of Sealers Cove Campground beckons, nestled in a scenic cove where the land meets the sea. The sight of the cove’s azure waters and golden sands offers a welcome embrace after your journey.

Sealers Cove To Telegraph Saddle 10.2km

Embark on the final stretch of your journey on a 10.2-kilometer hike from Sealers Cove to Telegraph Saddle. This homeward-bound trail weaves through diverse landscapes, offering a fitting culmination to your adventure.

Leaving behind the coastal charm of Sealers Cove, the path leads you on a reflective journey through woodlands and rolling terrain. As you walk, you’ll find yourself immersed in the sights and sounds of the natural world, a serene symphony that accompanies your every step.

The trail’s end at Telegraph Saddle brings a sense of accomplishment, marking the completion of your expedition. The air is imbued with a mix of nostalgia and satisfaction as you reflect on the remarkable landscapes you’ve traversed. With the journey’s end in sight, take a moment to breathe in the crisp mountain air and admire the beauty that surrounds you.



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